
Archive for May, 2011

Whole Body Purification

Center for Chiropractic and Wellness is hosting a workshop next Wednesday, May 11 on the Purification Program from Standard Process.  We’ve been using this powerfully effective detoxification program in our office for several years now and we invite you to learn more. 

 You may be asking yourself, “Why do I need the Purification Program?”  Unfortunately we live in a toxic environment.  We are exposed to environmental and internal toxins on a daily basis.  Here are some unfortunate statistics:

  • Approximately 87,000 new chemicals have been created and introduced into our environment in the US since World War II. 
  • Two thousand new chemicals are added every year!  Additionally, tap water is contaminated with chlorine, trihalamethanes (environmental pollutants), lead, cadmium, plus medications and hormones. 
  • Body care products such as shampoo, shaving cream, deodorant, makeup, hair styling products, sunscreen, and perfume contain xenohormones.  These hormone-like chemicals wreak havoc on the body’s hormones, nervous system, and general cellular function. 
  • The average American home contains over 60 hazardous products, most of which are lawn/garden and cleaning supplies.
  • The average American consumes 14 lbs of food additives, 160 lbs of sugar, 8 lbs of salt in a given year.

I could go on but needless to say, we live in an environment that is not conducive to health! 

 But other reasons why patients choose to do the Purification Program is that they want to feel better.  So many people are plagued with weight gain, brain fog, allergies, insomnia, acne, menstrual irregularities, poor digestion, sugar and/or salt cravings, pre-diabetes, eczema, low libido, etc.  The purpose of the Purification Program is to stimulate the liver, kidneys, small intestine and large intestine so as to allow the body to lighten it’s toxic load and cleanse itself from the inside out. 

 The Purification Program is a 21-day cleanse that involves eating whole, organic (if possible), unprocessed foods, taking whole-food supplements and drinking plenty of water (filtered or spring).  We have scores of recipes available to help patients create flavorful and exciting food during the cleanse. 

 The Purification Program is also backed by research demonstrating it as an effective tool to lessen cardiovascular disease risk.  Research published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine (September 2008) reported  a total cholesterol decrease of 47 points after the 28 patients in the study completed the 21-day Purification Program.  Additionally the patients experienced decreases in triglycerides, LDL, HDL, and VLDL cholesterol during the program.  As an added benefit, weight loss was also noted for all 28 patients!  To read the research article, please click here.

 That has been our experience at CCW as well.  Last week I spoke with several patients who had recently finished the Purification Program.  One woman lost 15 pounds and her heel pain disappeared.  Another female patient lost 8 pounds, had clearer skin and resumed a “regular” menstrual cycle, which previously had been absent.  Other patients of mine have reported being pulled out of depression, sleeping better, increased energy, decreased allergies, regular bowel movements, improved digestion, clearer thinking, increased vitality, mood stability and a general positive outlook. 

 Even if you are unable to attend the workshop but are interested in the Purification Program, please call us at 919-845-3280.  Here’s to your health!